嗨嗨嗨嗨大家好,星期六社遊野餐的經驗是不是很棒啊(給我說是)~這次是由路癡又左右不分的幹部帶隊,沒錯就是公關小編我🤦,還好給地圖的副社長也左右不分才能順利抵達~ 😎,小編覺得午餐超好吃的啦!果然野餐就是要配披薩跟汽水呢!!!雖然噴了不少社費哈哈哈哈,每個幹部都很用心在規劃社團的活動喔!學期到了尾聲即將結束了,用社遊來個黑皮ending超棒的啦~明天期末大會的食物也是很讚讚讚讚,話說衛武營真的有夠寬廣,照片中是真的太陽大到眼睛睜不開😅,雖然超級像在睡覺的啦哈哈哈哈哈,還有過程中玩的每個遊戲都很有趣,但是玩撲克牌一直輸真的會很讓人不爽呢😉(例如我),總而言之,之後還會有很多活動大家都可以踴躍參加唷~😆
Hello everyone,is the club picnic's experience very great?Right? This time, the leading cadre is a person who have no sense of direction and right and left.It was me.Fortunately,the vice president who gave map to me have no sense of right and left ,too.So we arrived there successfully.😎I think the lunch was very yummy.A picnic must have pizzas and soft drinks certainly although it cost club expenses much. Every cadre prepare activities attentively.The end of semester was happy ending for club picnic which is awesome. Tomorrow's food is also awesome that for end of term class .By the way ,the Weiwuying is so big . InThe pictures,the sun was to light too open the eyes.😅It looks like we slept hahahahahahahaha.Moreover ,the game we played in the process are interesting.But it's really upset me when I lost the game.😉 Anyway,there will be more activities . Everyone can join actively~😆