嗨大家好~期末大會玩得還開心嗎?小編覺得食物超好吃,每次都想一吃再吃😍,影片也超有趣,讓我們對櫃員有更進一步的了解,還有還有阿,原本設計好的kahoot遊戲因為一點技術性問題,無法讓大家玩😢,後來改用舉手搶答的方式,小編建議大家可以踴躍舉手啦😆,贏了就有多一分點心欸,簡直超棒!然後,這是我們108學年度最後一次見面了!再來就要交棒給下一屆幹部了,歡迎大家繼續加入我們社團,陪我們一起成長😘~ Hello everyone! Were you happy in the semester final convention? I think the foods was very delicious, always made me want to eat more.😍 The video was interesting, let us know more about sales counters. Also, the kahoot that we gonna play originally, because of some problems, we couldn't play it.😢 So we use the method needed to raise hands , I suggest you guys could do it more enthusiastically😆. The prize was the food, I think it was very awesome😍! Then, this was our last meeting of 108 semester, the club will be handed over to the next cadres, welcome everyone to continue to join us, grow up with us together😘~
目前分類:108學年度下學期活動公告 Acitiviyt Announcement (7)
- Jun 09 Tue 2020 08:05
期末大會分享 The Share of Semester Final Convention
- May 11 Mon 2020 14:00
西餐禮儀研習營 To Share The Western-style etiquette activity

- May 10 Sun 2020 18:51
西餐禮儀研習營通知 The Notification of Western Etiquette Workshop
- Apr 27 Mon 2020 15:07
領隊與導遊講座分享 The Share of Leader and guide lecture

- Apr 20 Mon 2020 15:53
領隊與導遊講座宣傳及通知 The Propaganda and Notification of Leader and guide lecture
- Apr 16 Thu 2020 16:53
商業服務禮儀研習營分享 The Share of Business Service Etiquette Workshop
來了來了!!!商業服務禮儀研習營的照片出來啦!看看我們社長認真服務的樣子太可愛啦XD!編編覺得每次研習營都很好玩又可以受益良多,可是這次來的人有點偏少嗚嗚嗚(ಥ_ಥ),為了這次的研習營幹部們還特地向學餐借了餐盤喔~當天有來的大家一定都學會了如何端茶上水對吧XD不只送茶的對象有先後男女之分,連端茶杯的姿勢居然也有規定!!!還好這次有來參加阿,不然之後服務客人不知道要出多少糗呢!Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ好里加在好里加在(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) It's coming! The pictures of the commerce and service ceremony activity is out! Looking at our president of director, she looks adorable for serving! I think the activities of our club are all good and knowledgeable, but the turnout of this time was rare. For this class, our cadres borrowed the plates from school's restaurant.The people who come that day must learn a lot, right? Not only the postures but also the sequences are set!!! Fortunately, I joined this time,or I would lose my face in the future when I serve. Hahahahahahahaha 😂
- Mar 29 Sun 2020 16:25
商業服務禮儀研習營通知 The Notification of Business Service Etiquette Workshop