

  1. 第一印象決定勝負:  7/38/55 黃金印象

7:語言  38:肢體語言  55:外在形象

  1. 形象=態度+服裝
  2. 內在形象=真心、誠心、善心
  3. 外在形象=微笑、眼神、髮型 整齊乾淨
  4. 善用自己的優勢:
  5. (禮儀最重要!)
  6. 你永遠沒有第二次機會給別人建立自己的第一印象
  7. 服務=知識+技術+態度
  8. 成為一個有影響力的人:
  9. 今天的我超越昨天的我






  • 衣:
  • (夏天為白色;冬天為黑色)/褲子均為黑色


女生-優先原則:高雅   大方端莊           美艷   性感

        褲子   裙子  長裙(避免短裙)

  • 、香氣逼人、髮型浮誇
  • 吃飯座位:中式-主賓面對門口;主人最靠近門口/通常男女分隔坐
  • 食:學習西餐禮儀/小點心可手抓/不遲到/上菜可從主人旁/服務生分菜,主人最後用菜/使用公筷母匙/敬酒但不要灌酒/服務鄰座
  • 住:許多社區不可在陽台曬衣服/不在公共地區擺放私人物品
  • 行:

行走原則-前尊 後卑 右大 左小

  1. 與長官或女士同行:應居其後方或左方
  2. 三人並行:中為尊,右次之,左最小
  3. 男士應走女士的左邊或靠馬路的那側保護女士
  1. 司機是主人夫婦:主人夫婦在前座 友人夫婦在後座,若為方便聊天,可二男二女分座前後
  2. 司機非主人夫婦而是請司機開車:主人旁之賓客先下車,後座賓客上前補位
  3. 官式安排或男女賓同時乘坐:後排中間盡量不安排座位,多備一部車避免過於擁擠




  • 樂:介紹高階   女士  年長



  1. 握手:可上下微搖不可左右亂擺/目視對方的眼睛/無須一邊握手一邊鞠躬/由年長者和長官先舉手相握
  2. 寒暄:不宜觸及宗教政治年齡薪酬等私密之議題



1. 語文

2. 儀態

3. 氣度

4. 旅遊見聞

5. 多元文化適應


1. 入境隨俗

2. 女士優先

3. 禮尚往來

4. 階級意識


1. 第一次見面看對方眼睛周圍(勿看男生的嘴和喉結),適當微笑,人際之間能否和諧相處,禮貌是重要的一環

2. 國際禮儀:國際社會人們日常生活相互往來所通用之禮儀。

3. 國際禮儀範圍:


4. 禮儀表達態度:彬彬有禮、入境問俗、尊重多元、執行兼顧

5. 防範忌諱:媚外盲從、夜郎自大、矯揉造作財氣大粗等心理因素




  1. 用溫水洗臉(*若沒有痘痘、粉刺等問題,可用清水清洗)
  2. 皮膚老化原因:日曬、皮膚乾燥、年齡、營養、保養(每天定期保養十分重要!)、其他。

3. 皮膚基礎保養四步驟:清潔>調理>滋潤>防曬(*不管晴天雨天出門前半小時擦防曬)

4. 易長青春痘、油性皮膚:清爽,強調不致粉刺或結合控油

5.  SPF值越高,防曬越好

6. 不同季節保養重點:





7. 敏感肌的保養重點:




















1. 正確的基本彩妝步驟:

  1. 修眉 2.粉底液 3.遮瑕膏 4.粉餅或蜜粉定妝 5.畫眉毛 6.眼影 7.內眼線 8.外眼線 9.夾睫毛 10.戴假睫毛 11.刷睫毛膏 12.腮紅 13.修容14.打亮15.唇彩

2. 粉底試色選色技巧: 在臉部試顏色、試驗遮蓋效果、選擇接近膚色、修飾膚色可配合適底乳使用

3. 完美遮瑕技巧:確認使用順序、用棉花棒暈開、利用蜜粉讓臉部更清爽

4. 定妝:使用蜜粉或粉餅,讓皮膚看上去更光滑剔透,讓妝容更持久

5. 畫眉:依照黃金比例調整、將眉峰挑高可以拉長臉型、減少眉峰角度縮減臉型長度、眉頭要清淡、眉峰處可稍微加重、眉尾要自然

6. 畫眼影:上亮下暗、眼臉邊緣顏色深、靠近眉毛顏色淺、在眉毛下塗淡黃色或白色的眼影

7. 腮紅:微笑時臉上的最高點就是最適合刷上腮紅的位置、利用打圓的方式刷出自然腮紅,沿著顴骨往太陽穴的斜向刷法能瘦一點,水平的橫向刷法能增加臉頰的寬度、不要直接將刷子垂直在臉上、應少量多次

8. 塗口紅:可以先以顏色相同或深一階的唇線筆描出唇形再塗上唇膏、撲蜜粉再上第二層唇膏便不易掉色、口紅的色調要配合膚色及唇色

9. 噴香水:噴於不易出汗,脈搏跳動明顯的部位、少量而多處噴灑效果最佳、香水不宜直接灑在衣服上,但可噴灑在一些隱蔽的位置

10. 香水的質量衡量:







  1. 多喝水、果汁(現打最好):每天喝1500~2000cc的水增加新陳代謝。
  2. 多攝取鹼性食物:多攝取五穀雜糧、蔬果類等食物。
  3. 定期運動:保持333運動原則(每周3次每次30分鐘、心跳130)
  4. 睡眠充足:黃金時間(晚間11~凌晨3)
  5. 生活放輕鬆:壓力是膚質變化的主要來源,經常紓解壓力可避免痘痘。
  6. 全面防曬。
  7. 定期去角質。
  8. 注意保濕。
  9. 少喝酒。
  10. 認識膚質,選對保養品。
  11. 清潔(卸妝、洗臉)->隔離->防曬 *若經費不足可優先購買化妝水、防曬!








1. 以均衡飲食為基礎,三餐一定要吃

2. 三少一多:少油、少糖、少鹽、多蔬菜

3. 攝取體積大、熱量低的食物,例如: 蔬菜湯、大番茄、加代糖的甜湯(仙草、愛玉、杏仁

4. 肉類去除其脂肪後才食用

5. 以清蒸、清燉、水煮代替其他用油量多的烹調方法

6. 以香料加強食物風味,減少用油量

7. 不喝含糖飲料

8. 多喝水(體重x30=一天所需喝的水量)

9. 盡量選用高纖維的食物

10. 長期不吃早餐,「胃結腸反射」作用逐漸減弱,造成便秘或更嚴重病變




Building First Impressions-Confidence

1. First impression determines victory: 7/38/55 golden impression

7: Language 38: Body language 55: External image

2. Image = attitude + clothing

3. Inner image = sincerity, sincerity, kindness

4. External image = smile, eyes, hairstyle neat and clean

5. Make the most of your advantages:

Wear only clothes that make you confident, your eyes can look directly at others, speak with a firm, decisive, and enthusiastic tone, communicate with a smile, remember the names of strangers, treat others with appreciation, appreciate others, and help others (etiquette is the most important!)

6. You never have a second chance to make a first impression of yourself

7. Service = Knowledge + Technology + Attitude

8. Become an influential person:

Elegant manners, basic social skills, humorous conversation charm, confident expression, courteous attitude,

9. Today I surpass yesterday




The tracks of being international

What to pay attention to on formal occasions?

  • Cloth:

Men- the dark cloth/ tuxedo (wear white cloth in summer; wear dark in winter)/ the pants are dark

Prohibition: to wear white socks

Women- principle of precedence:

Makeup: appropriate; should avoid heavy makeup, the aroma is pressing, exaggerated hairstyle

Is it ok wearing a hat? It is ok to wear it in day-time meeting; you shouldn’t wear it at the night.

In conclusion: Body clothing up to 3 colors or the same series

  • Eating seats: Chinese- The main guest is facing the door; The owner is closest to the door/ usually men and women seat separately
  • Eating : to learn western etiquette/ Snacks can be grabbed by hand/ Do not be late/ Serve from the host/ The waiter divides the dishes, and the host finally uses the dishes/to use shared chopsticks/ Toast but don’t pour/ Service neighbor
  • Unsuitably: making up when eating/ disgusting table manners/ floss
  • Living : Do not dry clothes on the balcony in many communities/don’t put personal belongings in public areas
  • Walking:

general rule of walking-the respected person walks in front of the humble person; the elder person walks in the right; the young person walks in the left

  1. Walking With the chief or lady, you should walk behind or light of her or him
  2. Three person walk together: the respected person walk in the middle, the second people walk in the right, the youngest walks in the left
  3. Men should walk in the left of women or the side of close to the road to protect women.

Taking compact car- Arrangement to determine whether the host couple is driving

  1. the host couple is driving: the host couple seat in the Front seats; Friends couple seat in the back seats
  2. The chauffeur drives for them rather than the host couple drives: Guests next to the host get off first, Back seat guests come to fill up
  3. Official arrangements or simultaneous male and female guests: Try not to arrange seats in the middle of the back row, and keep an extra car to avoid overcrowding

Go upstairs and down stairs

Go upstairs- Lady first, men behind; Elders first, younger ones behind

Go downstairs- Men first, lady behind; younger ones first, elders behind

Walk with the sir- sir first, Unless the senior officer is old, then the subordinates can first say "Let me lead the way"

  • Fun: produce the high order     lady     elders

Ok : When exchanging business cards, recite each other's name and title./ Seek opinions from parties before introduction./ Introduce the low and young people to the high and old people.

Not ok: Introducing those who are talking or about to leave.

  1. Handshake: can be shaken up and down and not left and right/ Look into each other's eyes/ No need to bow while shaking hands/ Hands raised by seniors and officers first
  2. Greeting: Should not touch on private issues such as religion, politics, age, pay, etc.

Summary: Improving Humanities / Immigrant Customs




Become friends with the world-know the etiquette of various countries




4. Travel news

5. Multicultural Adaptation

Ways to respond to local conditions


Lady first


Class consciousness


1. For the first time, look around the other person ’s eyes (do n’t look at the boy ’s mouth and throat), smile appropriately, and be able to get along with one another.

2. International etiquette: The etiquette common to people in the international community in their daily lives.

3. International etiquette scope:

Ceremony Common Conventions Specifications Food, clothing, education, and music

4. Etiquette to express attitude: politeness, immigration, respect for diversity, and implementation

5. Prevention of taboos: psychological factors such as blind foreign obedience, arrogant arrogance, and great wealth





Deep Breathing of Skin-Face Cleansing and Maintenance

  1. Wash your face with warm water (*If there are no problems such as acne, acne), etc.
  2. Causes of skin aging: Sun, dry skin, age, nutrition, maintenance(*Regular daily maintenance is very important), other.
  3. Regular daily maintenance is very important.

Four steps for basic skin care: Cleaning Conditioning Moisturizing Sun Protection.( Irrespective of sunny and rainy half an hour before going out.)

  1. Irrespective of sunny and rainy half an hour before going out.
  2. Acne-prone, oily: refreshing, emphasis on preventing acne or combining oil control.
  3. Maintenance points in different seasons:

Spring: prevention of allergies, sebum disorders, blocked pores.

Summer: Avoid fat leaks (disordered sebaceous glands) with enlarged pores and sun protection.

Autumn: Skincare change season, repair, moisturizing, whitening.

Winter: strengthen moisturizing and moisturizing.

  1. Care points for sensitive muscles: choose low-sensitivity skin care products, pay attention to cleansing and sun protection, avoid excessive irritation, and avoid makeup.




Eyebrow Trimming and Hair Removal Techniques

Eyebrow trimming: There are many types of eyebrows. Choose the right eyebrow shape to set off your beautiful eyes. The style of the eyebrow should be from the brow to the end of the eyebrow.

Willow leaf eyebrows (standard eyebrows) are painted in a special way. The peak of the eyebrow must be raised to the level of the eyebrow.


Hair removal:

1. Use scraping method: convenient and fast, without pain at the same time. The effect can be maintained for 1-3 days. The disadvantages are that it is easy to leave hair roots, make the underarms dull, and prone to folliculitis.

2. Hair Removal Cream: Although hair removal products such as bubbles or creams are convenient and painless, the doctor recommends using them on the hands and feet. These products often contain chemicals that are unsuitable for use on the face and in private places, and also have a risk of allergies. The effect can be maintained for about a week.

3. Wax removal of hair: hair can be removed cleanly, the effect can be maintained for one month. The disadvantage is that it hurts when removing hair. The doctor said that if it is not removed well, it may get darker and more folliculitis. Please find a professional.

4. Home hair removal equipment: Although the hair can be removed cleanly, it cannot be removed permanently, it can only be removed more and more slender.

5. Laser Hair Removal: The best effect, but also by the way, whiten and even skin tone. Lasers are divided into fiber optics, Alexandria, pulsed light, and painless vacuum lasers.





The starting point of transformation-makeup introduction

1. Correct basic makeup steps:

1. Eyebrow trimming 2. Liquid foundation 3. Concealer 4. Make-up with powder or powder 5. Drawing eyebrows 6. Eye shadow 7. Inner eyeliner 8. Outer eyeliner 9. Clipping eyelashes 10. Wearing false eyelashes 11. Brushing mascara Red 13. Rejuvenating 14. Brightening 15. Lip gloss

2. Fundamental Color Selection Techniques: Test colors on the face, test covering effect, choose close to skin tone, and modify skin tone. Can be used with suitable foundation.

3. Perfect concealer skills: confirm the order of use, stun with a cotton swab, and use the powder to make the face fresher

4. Makeup: Use powder or powder to make the skin look smoother and more translucent, and make the makeup last longer

5. Thrush: Adjust in accordance with the golden ratio, raise the eyebrow peak to lengthen the face shape, reduce the angle of the eyebrow peak and reduce the length of the face shape, the brow should be lighter, the peak of the eyebrow can be slightly heavier, and the tail should be natural

6. Draw eyeshadows: brighten up and darken, darker on the edges of the eyes and face, lighter near the eyebrows, and light yellow or white under the eyebrows

7. Blush: The highest point on the face when smiling is the most suitable place to apply blush. Use a round method to brush out natural blush. The oblique brushing method along the cheekbones to the temples can be thinner and horizontal. The horizontal brush method can increase the width of the cheeks. Do not place the brush directly on the face.

8. Apply lipstick: You can first trace the shape of the lips with a lip liner of the same color or a deeper order, then apply lipstick, powder puff, and then apply a second layer of lipstick, which will not easily fade. The color of the lipstick must match the skin tone and lip color.

9. Spray perfume: spray on areas that are not prone to sweat, pulse pulse, and a small number of sprays. The spray effect is best. The perfume should not be sprayed directly on clothing, but it can be sprayed in some hidden places.

10. Perfume quality measurement:

Good scent, clear color, packaging quality





Be the master of your body

1. Drink plenty of water and juice (the best is now): Drink 1500 ~ 2000cc of water daily to increase metabolism.

2. Eat more alkaline foods: Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables.

3. Regular exercise: Maintain the principle of 333 exercise (30 minutes 3 times a week, 130 heartbeats).

4. Get plenty of sleep: prime time (11pm to 3am).

5. Relax your life: Stress is the main source of changes in skin texture. Relieving stress often can prevent acne.

6. Full sun protection.

7. Exfoliate regularly.

8. Pay attention to moisturizing.

9. Drink less.

10. Know the skin type and choose the right skin care product.

11. Clean (makeup remover, face wash)-> Isolation-> Sunscreen * If you have insufficient funds, you can purchase lotion and sunscreen first!




Keeping fit: Get plenty of rest + proper diet + enough exercise

The right weight loss: diet control + regular exercise

Proper diet control:

1. Based on a balanced diet, you must eat three meals

2. Three less one more: less oil, less sugar, less salt, more vegetables

3. Ingest large-volume, low-calorie foods, such as: vegetable soup, large tomatoes, sweetened sweetened soup (fairy grass, love jade, almond)

4. Meat is eaten after removing its fat

5. Use steaming, stewing, and boiling to replace other cooking methods that use a lot of oil

6. Enhance food flavor with spices and reduce oil consumption

7. Do not drink sugary drinks

8. Drink plenty of water (weight x 30 = the amount of water you need to drink a day)

9. Try to choose high-fiber foods

10. Without breakfast for a long time, the effect of "gastric-colon reflex" gradually weakens, causing constipation or more serious disease



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