哈囉晚安大家好!放了一個超~久的寒假後,終於是我們點心超好吃,影片超好笑的期初大會啦!!!當然也別忘了這次導致寒假放超久的罪魁禍首,新!冠!肺!炎! 小編在這裡也要好好向各位宣導防疫的手段啦~
Hello,good night, everyone! After a long~winter vacation, finally our semester first convention was coming! The desserts were delicious, and the video was very funny. Of course, don't forget the culprit of this superfluous vacation , COVID-19. I am going to share the preventive measures with everyone here~
1.不舒服一定要說並且告知幹部要請假 If you are sick, you must tell the cadre and take leave.
2.如果出現發燒、畏寒、手腳冰冷、關鍵酸痛等類似流感的症狀請在家休息 If you have the similar symptoms, please stay at home and take a rest.
3.進教室前幹部們都已經幫各位的位置消毒好了,進教室前會幫各位量體溫 Before everyone enter the classroom, the cadres had disinfected the tables and chairs. And We will take everyone's body temperature .
Please wear the mask to class .
