🚩哈囉大家好!感謝昨天導遊講座你們的蒞臨~💓肯定學到很多實用的內容吧!講師上課方式也很詼諧有趣,還聽了好多故事呢XD😆 別忘了,如果有想要講師的批批踢都可以來找社團幹部拿唷~裡面還有很多沒上完的秘密武器小撇步呢😏 還有還有,大家都有記得做到口罩不離口,超超超超超棒ㄉ~祝福各位大大以後都能變成非常成功的領隊or導遊~😎 Hello everyone! Thanks for your coming yesterday 💓 You must learned a lot , right?The teacher's teaching content was also humorous and interesting. We also got some stories.XD😆 Don't forget, you can come to us if you want the PPT of yesterday. The PPT has the secret inside.😏 The good thing was everyone wore your masks exactly, it was sooooooooo great!!! Hope you guys can be successful tour guides in the future~😎 
