嗨大家好~期末大會玩得還開心嗎?小編覺得食物超好吃,每次都想一吃再吃😍,影片也超有趣,讓我們對櫃員有更進一步的了解,還有還有阿,原本設計好的kahoot遊戲因為一點技術性問題,無法讓大家玩😢,後來改用舉手搶答的方式,小編建議大家可以踴躍舉手啦😆,贏了就有多一分點心欸,簡直超棒!然後,這是我們108學年度最後一次見面了!再來就要交棒給下一屆幹部了,歡迎大家繼續加入我們社團,陪我們一起成長😘~ Hello everyone! Were you happy in the semester final convention? I think the foods was very delicious, always made me want to eat more.😍 The video was interesting, let us know more about sales counters. Also, the kahoot that we gonna play  originally, because of some problems, we couldn't play it.😢 So we use the method needed to raise hands , I suggest you guys could do it more enthusiastically😆. The prize was the food, I think it was very awesome😍! Then, this was our last meeting of 108 semester, the club will be handed over to the next cadres, welcome everyone to continue to join us, grow up with us together😘~

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